Quiet time is an especially one of the important times of the day in a childcare situation. The children need rest to enable them to have an enjoyable evening at home with their family. This is also my best opportunity during the day to clean up, do paperwork and plan activities. All children will lay down to rest. Even older children need a break from the day to rest and rejuvenate. Infants and young toddlers will be provided their own port-a-crib or pack-n-play, and older toddlers and preschoolers will be provided a flip-open bed or mat. We practice safe sleep and therefore, we do recommend putting babies down to sleep on their backs in their crib alone under supervision. Parents may also provide a small pillow if they wish for older kids. Older kids are permitted to bring a small soft friend from home to sleep with as well if that is a routine. If you provide a pillow, blanket, and/or small soft friend, we prefer that these items be left in the childcare rather than go back and forth between child’s home and the childcare center on a daily basis.
Safe sleep dos and don’ts:
We follow safe sleep practices and therefore, recommend the following to be practiced at the child's home as well:
Safe sleep dos and don’ts:
We follow safe sleep practices and therefore, recommend the following to be practiced at the child's home as well:
- Put your baby on his/her back for every sleep
- Put your baby’s crib in the same room as your bed
- Put your baby in a crib/pack-n-play for naptime and night sleep
- Find your own way to stay awake while feeding your baby
- Use a firm mattress covered by a fitted sheet
- Do breastfeed your baby
- Offer a pacifier for sleep once breastfeeding is established
- Use a wearable blanket to keep your baby warm
- Do vaccinate your baby
- Don't put your baby to sleep on his/her side or stomach
- Don’t sleep with your baby on a shared sleep surface
- Don't put your baby to sleep on a couch, armchair, or adult bed
- Don't fall asleep holding or feeding your baby
- Don't use a car seat, swing, stroller or infant carrier for routine sleep
- Don't have blankets, pillows, toys or bumper pads in the crib
- Don’t smoke, drink or use drugs
- Don't swaddle your baby if he/she begins to show signs of rolling over
- Don't let your baby overheat