Breastfeeding has been shown to be the best form of infant nutrition, providing a multitude of health benefits to both infant and the mother. Allkidz Family Childcare encourages and supports mothers to breastfeed their babies.
Allkidz Family Childcare subscribes to the following breastfeeding policies:
Allkidz Family Childcare subscribes to the following breastfeeding policies:
- Breastfeeding mothers shall be provided a place to breastfeed or express their milk. Breastfeeding mothers shall be provided a private sanitary place to breastfeed their babies or express milk. This area will have an electrical outlet, comfortable chair, and nearby access to running water.
- A refrigerator will be made available for storage of expressed breastmilk. Mothers should provide their own containers, clearly labeled with name and date.
- The childcare home is committed to providing ongoing support to breastfeeding mothers, including providing an opportunity to breastfeed their babies anytime of the day, and holding off giving a bottle if possible, when mom is due to arrive. Artificial baby milks (formula) and solid and solid foods will not be provided unless the mother has requested.
- Babies will be held closely when feeding and bottles will never be propped. All childcare staff will be trained in the proper storage and handling of human milk, as well as ways to support breastfeeding mothers. The center will follow guidelines from the American Pediatrics and Center for Disease Control in ensuring that breast milk is properly treated to avoid waste. Special precautions are not required in handling human milk.
- We will provide information on breastfeeding, including the names of area resources should questions or problems arise. In addition, positive promotion of breastfeeding will be displayed in the center.